Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Deja Vu Again- Or not- the Same Old New Person

This is for all the people I don't know but I think I've seen. 
Actually, this is for all the people that my dad does know, but doesn't think he's ever seen. My dad is so bad at recalling names, that his shenanigans (i.e., holding conversations with people for upwards of two hours who know him. Later "Who was that daddy," Reply: IDK). 
Illustrative of this is once at the movie theaters, he had been chatting with a guy next to him for most of the film. Outside the theater as we are going home, he walks up to this random couple and encourages them to buy tickets to the film-- they were the same people sitting right next to us.
And the flip side is also true. Because humans share such a huge percent of genes, it is not hard to imagine at least ten look a likes for every physical type. So sometimes you think you know someone, but it's just genetics playing tricks (or out-of-date glasses as in my case).
Either way, this is just a way for me to apologize to all those people I don't know who I thought I did know who might feel offended that I don't think they are very unique-looking, as well as to the people whose identities the people I don't know usurped in my garbled brain.

I can't rate them as a person or not. There are just too many.

for the picture, deja vu? I just don't know.

Other facts:Deja-vu means to see again in French.


  1. Your dad sounds hilarious! And he's awesome for just walking up to people and telling them to see a movie.

  2. hahahha--my brother is the same way!! this was a really funny post

  3. omg this thing totally freaked me out :O
